Tuesday, 16 May 2017

My Dislike of GOPATH

[This post was written in response to a tweet from Matt Aimonetti which asked “did you ever try #golang? If not, can you tell me why? If yes, what was the first blocker/annoyance you encountered?”]

I’m a dabbler in Go [1], by which I mean I know enough to be considered dangerous but not enough to be proficient. I’ve done a number of katas and even paired on some simple tools my team has built in Go. There is so much to like about it that I’ve had cause to prefer looking for 3rd party tools written in it in the faint hope that I might at some point be able to contribute one day. But, every time I pull the source code I end up wasting so much time trying to get the thing to build because Go has its own opinions about how the source is laid out and tools are built that don’t match the way I (or most other tools I’ve used) work.

Hello, World!

Go is really easy to get into, on Windows it’s as simple as:

> choco install golang

This installs the compiler and standard libraries and you’re all ready to get started. The obligatory first program is as simple as doing:

> pushd \Dev
> mkdir HelloWorld
> notepad HelloWorld.go
> go build HelloWorld.go
> HelloWorld

So far, so good. It’s pretty much the same as if you were writing in any other compiled language – create folder, create source file, build code, run it.

Along the way you may have run into some complaint about the variable GOPATH not being set. It’s easily fixed by simply doing:

> set GOPATH=%CD%

You might have bothered to read up on all the brouhaha, got side-tracked and discovered that it’s easy to silence the complaint without any loss of functionality by setting it to point to anywhere. After all the goal early on is just to get your first program built and running not get bogged down in tooling esoterica.

When I reached this point I did a few katas and used a locally installed copy of the excellent multi-language exercise tool cyber-dojo.org to have a play with the test framework and some of the built-in libraries. Using a tool like cyber-dojo meant that GOPATH problems didn’t rear their ugly head again as it was already handled by the tool and the katas only needed standard library stuff.

The first non-kata program my team wrote in Go (which I paired on) was a simple HTTP smoke test tool that also just lives in the same repo as the service it tests. Once again their was nary a whiff of GOPATH issues here either – still simple.

Git Client, But not Quite

The problems eventually started for me when I tried to download a 3rd party tool off the internet and build it [2]. Normally, getting the source code for a tool from an online repository, like GitHub, and then building it is as simple as:

> git clone https://…/tool.git
> pushd tool
> build

Even if there is no Windows build script, with the little you know about Go at this point you’d hope it to be something like this:

> go build

What usually happens now is that you start getting funny errors about not being able to find some code which you can readily deduce is some missing package dependency.

This is the point where you start to haemorrhage time as you seek in vain to fix the missing package dependency without realising that the real mistake you made was right back at the beginning when you used “git clone” instead of “go get”. Not only that but you also forgot that you should have been doing all this inside the “%GOPATH%\src” folder and not in some arbitrary TEMP folder you’d created just to play around in.

The goal was likely to just build & run some 3rd party tool in isolation but that’s not the way Go wants you to see the world.

The Folder as a Sandbox

The most basic form of isolation, and therefore version control, in software development is the humble file-system folder [3]. If you want to monkey with something on the side just make a copy of it in another folder and you know your original is safe. This style of isolation (along with other less favourable forms) is something I’ve written about in depth before in my C Vu In the Toolbox column, see “The Developer’s Sandbox”.

Unfortunately for me this is how I hope (expect) all tools to work out of the box. Interestingly Go is a highly opinionated language (which is a good thing in many cases) that wants you to do all your coding under one folder, identified by the GOPATH variable. The rationale for this is that it reduces friction from versioning problems and helps ensure everyone, and everything, is always using a consistent set of dependencies – ideally the latest.

Tool User, Not Developer

That policy makes sense for Google’s developers working on their company’s tools, but I’m not a Google developer, I’m a just a user of the tool. My goal is to be able to build and run the tool. If there happens to be a simple bug that I can fix, then great, I’d like to do that, but what I do not have the time for is getting bogged down in library versioning issues because the language believes everyone, everywhere should be singing from the same hymn sheet. I’m more used to a world where dependencies move forward at a pace dictated by the author not by the toolchain itself. Things can still move quickly without having to continually live on the bleeding edge.


As a Go outsider I can see that the situation is definitely improving. The use of a vendor subtree to house a snapshot of the dependencies in source form makes life much simpler for people like me who just want to use the tool hassle free and dabble occasionally by fixing things here and there.

In the early days when I first ran into this problem I naturally assumed it was my problem and that I just needed to set the GOPATH variable to the root of the repo I had just cloned. I soon learned that this was a fools errand as the repo also has to buy into this and structure their source code accordingly. However a variant of this has got some traction with the gb tool which has (IMHO) got the right idea about isolation but sadly is not the sanctioned approach and so you’re dicing with the potential for future impedance mismatches. Ironically to build and install this tool requires GOPATH to still be working the proper way.

The latest version of Go (1.8) will assume a default location for GOPATH (a “go” folder under your profile) if it’s not set but that does not fix the fundamental issue for me which is that you need to understand that any code you pull down may be somewhere unrelated on your file-system if you don’t understand how all this works.

Embracing GOPATH

Ultimately if I am going to properly embrace Go as a language, and I would like to do more, I know that I need to stop fighting the philosophy and just “get with the programme”. This is hard when you have a couple of decades of inertia to overcome but I’m sure I will eventually. It’s happened enough times now that I know what the warnings signs are and what I need to Google to do it “the Go way”.

Okay, so I don’t like or agree with all of (that I know) the choices the Go language has taken but then I’m always aware of the popular quote by Bjarne Stroustrup:

“There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.”

This post is but one tiny data point which covers one of the very few complaints I have about Go, and even then it’s just really a bit of early friction that occurs at the start of the journey if you’re not a regular. Still, better that than yet another language nobody uses.


[1] Or golang if you want to appease the SEO crowd :o).

[2] It was winrm-cli as I was trying to put together a bug report for Terraform and there was something going wrong with running a Windows script remotely via WinRM.

[3] Let’s put old fashioned technologies like COM to one side for the moment and assume we have learned from past mistakes.

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