Thursday 28 March 2019

PowerShell’s Call Operator (&) Arguments with Embedded Spaces and Quotes

I was recently upgrading a PowerShell script that used the v2 nunit-console runner to use the v3 one instead when I ran across a weird issue with PowerShell. I’ve haven’t found a definitive bug report or release note yet to describe the change in behaviour, hence I’m documenting my observation here in the meantime.

When running the script on my desktop machine, which runs Windows 10 and PowerShell v5.x it worked first time, but when pushing the script to our build server, which was running Windows Server 2012 and PowerShell v4.x it failed with a weird error that suggested the command line being passed to nunit-console was borked.

Passing Arguments with Spaces

The v3 nunit-console command line takes a “/where” argument which allows you to provide a filter to describe which test cases to run. This is a form of expression and the script’s default filter was essentially this:

cat == Integration && cat != LongRunning

Formatting this as a command line argument it then becomes:

/where:“cat == Integration && cat != LongRunning”

Note that the value for the /where argument contains spaces and therefore needs to be enclosed in double quotes. An alternative of course is to enclose the whole argument in double quotes instead:

“/where:cat == Integration && cat != LongRunning”

or you can try splitting the argument name and value up into two separate arguments:

/where “cat == Integration && cat != LongRunning”

I’ve generally found these command-line argument games unnecessary unless the tool I’m invoking is using some broken or naïve command line parsing library [1]. (In this particular scenario I could have removed the spaces too but if it was a path, like “C:\Program Files\Xxx”, I would not have had that luxury.)

PowerShell Differences

What I discovered was that on PowerShell v4 when an argument has embedded spaces it appears to ignore the embedded quotes and therefore sticks an extra pair of quotes around the entire argument, which you can see here:

> $where='/where:"cat == Integration"'; & cmd /c echo $where
"/where:"cat == Integration""

…whereas on PowerShell v5 it “notices” that the value with spaces is already correctly quoted and therefore elides the outer pair of double quotes:

> $where='/where:"cat == Integration"'; & cmd /c echo $where
/where:"cat == Integration"

On PowerShell v4 only by removing the spaces, which I mentioned above may not always be possible, can you stop it adding the outer pair of quotes:

> $where='/where:"cat==Integration"'; & cmd /c echo $where

…of course now you don’t need the quotes anymore :o). However, if for some reason you are formatting the string, such as with the –f operator that might be useful (e.g. you control the value but not the format string).

I should point out that this doesn’t just affect PowerShell v4, I also tried it on my Vista machine with PowerShell v2 and that exhibited the same behaviour, so my guess is this was “fixed” in v5.

[1] I once worked with an in-house C++ based application framework that completely ignored the standard parser that fed main() and instead re-parsed the arguments, very badly, from the raw string obtained from GetCommandLine().

Friday 22 March 2019

CI/CD Server Inline Scripts

As you might have already gathered if you’d read my 2014 post “Building the Pipeline - Process Led or Product Led?” I’m very much in favour of developing a build and deployment process locally first, then automating that, rather than clicking buttons in a dedicated CI/CD tool and hoping I can debug it later. I usually end up at least partially scripting builds anyway [1] to save time waiting for the IDE to open [2] when I just need some binaries for a dependency, so it’s not wasted effort.

Inline Scripts

If other teams prefer to configure their build or deployment through a tool’s UI I don’t really have a problem with that if I know I can replay the same steps locally should I need to test something out as the complexity grows. What I do find disturbing though is when some of the tasks use inline scripts to do something non-trivial, like perform the entire deployment. What’s even more disturbing is when that task script is then duplicated across environments and maintained independently.


There are various reasons why we use a version control tool, but first and foremost they provide a history, which implies that we can trace back any changes that have been made and we have a natural backup should we need to roll back or restore the build server.

Admittedly most half-decent build and deployment tools come with some form of versioning built in which you gives that safety net. However having that code versioned in a separate tool and repository from the main codebase means that you have to work harder to correlate what version of the system requires what version of the build process. CI/CD tools tend to present you with a fancy UI for looking at the history rather than giving you direct access to, say, it’s internal git repo. And even then what the tool usually gives you is “what” changed, but does not also provide the commentary on “why” it was changed. Much of what I wrote in my “Commit Checklist” equally applies to build and deployment scripts as it does production code.

Although Jenkins isn’t the most polished of tools compared to, say, TeamCity it is pretty easy to configure one of the 3rd party plugins to yank the configuration files out and check them into the same repo as the source code along with a suitable comment. As a consequence any time the repo is tagged due to a build being promoted the Jenkins build configuration gets included for free.


My biggest gripe is not with the versioning aspect though, which I believe is pretty important for any non-trivial process, but it’s when the script is manually duplicated across environments. Having no single point of truth, from a logic perspective, is simply asking for trouble. The script will start to drift as subtleties in the environmental differences become enshrined directly in the logic rather than becoming parameterised behaviours.

The tool’s text editor for inline script blocks is usually a simple edit box designed solely for trivial changes; anything more significant is expected to be handled by pasting into a real editor instead. But we all know different people like different editors and so this becomes another unintentional source of difference as tabs and spaces fight for domination.

Fundamentally there should be one common flow of logic that works for every environment. The differences between them should boil down to simple settings, like credentials, or cardinality of resources, e.g. the number of machines in the cluster. Occasionally there may be custom branches in logic, such as the need for a proxy server, but it should be treated as a minor deviation that could apply to any environment, but just happens to only be applicable to, say, one at the moment.


This naturally leads onto the inherent lack of testability outside of the tool and workflow. It’s even worse if the script makes use of some variable substitution system that the CI/CD tool provides because that means you have to manually fix-up the code before running it outside the tool, or keep running it in the tool and use printf() style debugging by looking at the task’s output.

All script engines I’m aware of accept arguments, so why not run the script as an external script and pass the arguments from the tool in the tried and tested way? This means the tool runs it pretty much the same way you do except perhaps for some minor environmental differences, like user account or current working directory which are all common problems and easily overcome. Most modern scripting languages come with a debugger too which seems silly to give up.

Of course this doesn’t mean that you have to make every single configuration setting a separate parameter to the script, that would be overly complicated too. Maybe you just provide one parameter which is a settings file for the environment with a bunch of key/value pairs. You can then tweak the settings as appropriate while you test and debug. While idempotence and the ideas behind Desired State Configuration (DSC) are highly desirable, there is no reason we can’t also borrow from the Design for Testability guidebook here too by adding features making it easier to test.

Don’t forget that scripting languages often come with unit test frameworks these days too which can allow you to mock out code which has nasty side-effects so you can check your handling and orchestration logic. For example PowerShell has Pester which really helps bring some extra discipline to script development; an area which has historically been tough due to the kinds of side-effects created by executing the code.


When an inline script has grown beyond the point where Hoare suggests “there are obviously no deficiencies”, which is probably anything more than a trivial calculation or invocation of another tool, then it should be decomposed into smaller functional units. Then each of these units can be tested and debugged in isolation and perhaps the inline script then merely contains a couple of lines of orchestration code, which would be trivial to replicate at a REPL / prompt.

For example anything around manipulating configuration files is a perfect candidate for factoring out into a function or child script. It might be less efficient to invoke the same function a few times rather than read and write the file once, but in the grand scheme of things I’d bet it’s marginal in comparison to the rest of the build or deployment process.

Many modern scripting languages have a mechanism for loading some sort of module or library of code. Setting up an internal package manager is a pretty heavyweight option in comparison to publishing a .zip file of scripts but if it helps keep the script complexity under control and provides a versioned repository that can be reliably queried at execution time, then why not go for that instead?

Scripts are Artefacts

It’s easy to see how these things happen. What starts off as a line or two of script code eventually turns into a behemoth before anyone realises it’s not been versioned and there are multiple copies. After all, the deployment requirements historically come up at the end of the journey, after the main investment in the feature has already happened. The pressure is then on to get it live, and build & deployment, like tests, is often just another second class citizen.

The Walking Skeleton came about in part to push back against this attitude and make the build pipeline and tests part and parcel of the whole delivery process; it should not be an afterthought. This means it deserves the same rigour we apply elsewhere in our process.

Personally I like to see everything go through the pipeline, by which I mean that source code, scripts, configuration, etc. all enter the pipeline as versioned inputs and are passed along until the deployed product pops out the other end. The way you build your artefacts is inherently tied to the source code and project configuration that produces it. Configuration, whether it be infrastructure or application settings, is also linked to the version of the tools, scripts, and code which consumes it. It’s more awkward to inject version numbers into scripts, like you do with binaries, but even pushing them through the pipeline in a .zip file with version number in the filename makes a big difference to tracking the “glue”.

Ultimately any piece of the puzzle that directly affects the ability to safely deliver continuous increments of a product needs to be held in high regard and treated with the respect it deserves.


[1] See “Cleaning the Workspace” for more about why I don’t trust my IDE to clean up after itself.

[2] I’m sure I could load Visual Studio, etc. in “safe mode” to avoid waiting for all the plug-ins and extensions to initialise but it still seems “wrong” to load an entire IDE just to invoke the same build tool I could invoke almost directly from the command line myself.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Abstraction with Database Views

After being away from the relational database world for a few years it’s been interesting coming back and working on a mature system with plenty of SQL code. It’s been said that SQL is the assembly language of databases and when SQL code is written only using its primitives (types and tables) it’s easy to see why.

Way back in 2011 I wrote “The Public Interface of a Database” which was a distillation of my thoughts at the time about what I felt was generally wrong with much of the database code I saw. One aspect in particular which I felt was sorely underutilised was the use of views to build a logical model over the top of the physical model to allow a more emergent design to unfold. This post documents some of the ways I’ve found views to be beneficial in supporting a more agile approach to database design.

Views for Code Reuse

The first thing that struck me about the recent SQL code I saw was how much there was of it. Most queries were pretty verbose and as a consequence you had to work hard to comprehend what was going on. Just as you see the same tired examples around Orders => OrderItems => Products so the code had a similar set of 3 table joins over and over again as they formed the basis for so many queries.

One of the primary uses for database views is as a code reuse mechanism. Instead of copy-and-pasting the same bunch of joins everywhere:

FROM Orders o
INNER JOIN OrderItems oi
ON o.Id = oi.OrderId 
INNER JOIN Products p
ON oi.ProductId = p.Id

we could simply say:

FROM OrdersOrderItemsProducts

This one simplification reduces a lot of complexity and means that wherever we see that name we instantly recognise it without mentally working through the joins in our head. Views are composable too meaning that we can implement one view in terms of another rather than starting from scratch every time.


However, if the name OrdersOrderItemsProducts makes you wince then I don’t blame you because it’s jarring due to its length and unnaturalness. It’s a classic attempt at naming based on how it’s implemented rather than what it means.

I suspect a difficulty in naming views is part of the reason for their lack of use in some cases. For our classic example above I would probably go with OrderedProducts or ProductsOrdered. The latter is probably preferable as the point of focus is the Products “set” with the use of Orders being a means to qualify which products we’re interested in, like “users online”. Of course one could just easily say “unread messages” and therefore we quickly remember why naming is one of the two hardest problems in computer science.

Either way it’s important that we do spend the time required to name our views appropriately as they become the foundation on which we base many of our other queries.

Views for Encapsulation

Using views as a code reuse mechanism is definitely highly beneficial but where I think they start to provide more value are as a mechanism for revealing new, derived sets of data. The name ProductsOrdered is not radically different from the more long-winded OrdersOrderItemsProducts and therefore it still heavily reflects the physical relationship of the underlying tables.

Now imagine a cinema ticketing system where you have two core relationships: Venue => Screen => SeatingPlan and Film => Screening => Ticket => Seat. By navigating these two relationships it is possible to determine the occupancy of the venue, screen, showing, etc. and yet the term Occupancy says nothing about how that is achieved. In essence we have revealed a new abstraction (Occupancy) which can be independently queried and therefore elevates our thinking to a higher plane instead of getting bogged down in the lengthy chain of joins across a variety of base tables.

Views for Addressing Uncertainty

We can also turn this thinking upside down, so that rather than creating something new by hiding the underlying existing structure, we can start with something concrete and re-organise how things work underneath. This is the essence of refactoring – changing the design without changing the behaviour.

When databases were used as a point of integration this idea of hiding the underlying schema from “consumers” made sense as it gave you more room to change the schema without breaking a bunch of queries your consumers had already created. But even if you have sole control over your schema there is still a good reason why you might want to hide the schema, nay implementation, even from much of your own code.

Imagine you are developing a system where you need to keep daily versions of your customer’s details easily accessible because you regularly perform computations across multiple dates [1] and you need to use the correct version of each customer’s data for the relevant date. When you start out you may not know what the most appropriate way to store them because you do not know how frequently they change, what kinds of changes are made, or how the data will be used in practice.

If you assume that most attributes change most days you may well plump to just store them daily, in full, e.g.

| Date       | Name      | Valuation | ... | 
| 2019-03-01 | Company A | £102m     | ... |  
| 2019-03-01 | Company B | £47m      | ... |  
| 2019-03-02 | Company A | £105m     | ... |  
| 2019-03-02 | Company B | £42m      | ... |  
| 2019-03-03 | Company A | £105m     | ... |  
| 2019-03-03 | Company B | £42m      | ... |

On the contrary, if the attributes rarely change each day then maybe we can version the data instead:

| Name      | Version | Valuation | ... |
| Company A | 1       | £147m     | ... |
| Company A | 2       | £156m     | ... |
| Company B | 1       | £27m      | ... |

So far so good, but how do we track which version belongs to which date? Once again I can think of two obvious choices. The first is much like the original verbose table and we record it on a daily basis:

| Date       | Name      | Version |
| 2019-03-01 | Company A | 1       |
| 2019-03-01 | Company B | 1       |
| 2019-03-02 | Company A | 1       |
| 2019-03-02 | Company B | 2       |

The second is to coalesce dates with the same version creating a much more compact form:

| From       | To         | Name      | Version |
| 2019-03-01 | (null)     | Company A | 1       |
| 2019-03-01 | 2019-03-01 | Company B | 1       |
| 2019-03-02 | (null)     | Company B | 2       |

Notice how we have yet another design choice to make here – whether to use NULL to represent “the future”, or whether to put today’s date as the upper bound and bump it on a daily basis [2].

So, with all those choices how do we make a decision? What if we don’t need to make a decision, now? What if we Use Uncertainty as a Driver and create a design that is easily changeable when we know more about the shape of the data and how it’s used?

What we do know is that we need to process customer data on a per-date basis, therefore, instead of starting with a Customer table we start with a Customer view which has the shape we’re interested in:

| Date | Name | Valuation | ... | 

We can happily use this view wherever we like knowing that the underlying structure could change without us needing to fix up lots of code. Naturally some code will be dependent on the physical structure, but the point is that we’ve kept it to a bare minimum. If we need to transition from one design to another, but can’t take the downtime to rewrite all the data up-front, that can often be hidden behind the view too.

Views as Interfaces

It’s probably my background [3] but I can’t help but notice a strong parallel in the latter two examples with the use of interfaces in object-oriented code. George Box reminds us that “all models are wrong, but some are useful” and so we should be careful not to strain the analogy too far but I think there is some value in considering the relationship between views and tables as somewhat akin to interfaces and classes, at least for the purposes of encapsulation as described above.

On a similar note we often strive to create and use the narrowest interface that solves our problem and that should be no different in the database world either. Creating narrower interfaces (views) allows us to remain more in control of our implementation by leaking less.

One final type related comparison that I think worthy of mention is that it’s easier to spot structural problems when you have a “richer type system”, i.e. many well-named views. For example, if a query joins through ProductsOrdered to get to UserPreferences you can easily see something funky is going on.

Embracing Change

When you work alongside a database where the SQL code and schema gets refactored almost as heavily as the services that depend on it is a pleasurable experience [4]. Scott Ambler wrote a couple of books over a decade ago (Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design and Agile Database Techniques) which convinced me long ago that it was possible to design databases that could embrace change. Making judicious use of views certainly helped achieve that in part by keeping the accidental complexity down.

Admittedly performance concerns, still a dark art in the world of databases, gets in the way every now and but I’d rather try to make the database a better place for my successors rather than assume it can’t be done.


[1] In investment banking it’s common to re-evaluate trades and portfolios on historical dates both for regulatory and analytical purposes.

[2] Some interesting scenarios crop up here when repeatability matters and you have an unreliable upstream data source.

[3] I’m largely a self-taught, back-end developer with many years of writing C++ and C# based services.

[4] Having a large suite of database unit tests, also written in T-SQL, really helped as we could use TDD on the database schema too.

Friday 8 March 2019

The Perils of Multi-Phase Construction

I’ve never really been a fan of C#’s object initializer syntax. Yes, it’s a little more convenient to write but it has a big downside which is it forces you to make your types mutable by default. Okay, that’s a bit strong, it doesn’t force you to do anything, but it does promote that way of thinking and allows people to take advantage of mutability outside the initialisation block [1].

This post is inspired by some buggy code I encountered where my suspicion is that the subtleties of the object initialisation syntax got lost along the way and partially constructed objects eventually found their way into the wild.

No Dragons Yet

The method, which was to get the next message from a message queue, was originally written something like this:

Message result = null;
RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message != null)
  result = new Message
    Priority = message.Priority,
    Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),
    Body = message.Body, 

return result;

This was effectively correct. I say “effectively correct” because it doesn’t contain the bug which came later but still relies on mutability which we know can be dangerous.

For example, what would happen if the GetHeader() method threw an exception? At the moment there is no error handling and so the exception propagates out the method and back up the stack. Because we make no effort to recover we let the caller decide what happens when a duff message comes in.

The Dragons Begin Circling

Presumably the behaviour when a malformed message arrived was undesirable because the method was changed slightly to include some recovery fairly soon after:

Message result = null;
RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message != null)
    result = new Message
      Priority = message.Priority,
      Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),
      Body = message.Body,  
  catch (Exception e)
    Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);

return result;

Still no bug yet, but that catch handler falling through to the return at the bottom is somewhat questionable; we are making the reader work hard to track what happens to result under the happy / sad paths to ensure it remains correct under further change.

Object Initialisation Syntax

Before showing the bug, here’s a brief refresher on how the object initialisation syntax works under the covers [2] in the context of our example code. Essentially it invokes the default constructor first and then performs assignments on the various other properties, e.g.

var __m = new Message();
__m.Priority = message.Priority;
__m.Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”);
__m.Body = message.Body,  
result = __m;

Notice how the compiler introduces a hidden temporary variable during the construction which it then assigns to the target at the end? This ensures that any exceptions during construction won’t create partially constructed objects that are bound to variables by accident. (This assumes you don’t use the constructor or property setter to attach itself to any global variables either.)

Hence, with respect to our example, if any part of the initialization fails then result will be left as null and therefore the message is indeed discarded and the caller gets a null reference back.

The Dragons Surface

Time passes and the code is then updated to support a new property which is also passed via a header. And then another, and another. However, being more complicated than a simple string value the logic to parse it is placed outside the object initialisation block, like this:

Message result = null;
RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message != null)
    result = new Message
      Priority = message.Priority,
      Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),
      Body = message.Body,  

    var str = GetHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”);
    if (str != null && TryParseInt(str, out var value))
      result.IntValue = value;

    // ... more of the same ...
  catch (Exception e)
    Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);

return result;

Now the problems start. With the latter header parsing code outside the initialisation block result is assigned a partially constructed object while the remaining parsing code runs. Any exceptions that occur [3] mean that result will be left only partially constructed and the caller will be returned the duff object because the exception handler falls out the bottom.

+1 for Tests

The reason I spotted the bug was because I was writing some tests around the code for a new header which also temporarily needed to be optional, like the others, to decouple the deployments. When running the tests there was an error displayed on the console output [4] telling me the message was being discarded, which I didn’t twig at first. It was when I added a retrospective test for the previous optional fields and I found my new one wasn’t be parsed correctly that I realised something funky was going on.


So, what’s the answer? Well, I can think of a number of approaches that would fix this particular code, ranging from small to large in terms of the amount of code that needs changing and our appetite for it.

Firstly we could avoid falling through in the exception handler and make it easier on the reader to comprehend what would be returned in the face of a parsing error:

catch (Exception e)  
  Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);
  return null;

Secondly we could reduce the scope of the result variable and return that at the end of the parsing block so it’s also clearer about what the happy path returns:

var result = new Message  
  // . . .  

var str = GetHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”);
if (str != null && TryParseInt(str, out var value)
  result.IntValue = value;

return result;

We could also short circuit the original check too and remove the longer lived result variable altogether with:

RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message == null)
    return null;

These are all quite simple changes which are also safe going forward should someone add more header values in the same way. Of course, if we were truly perverse and wanted to show how clever we were, we could fold the extra values back into the initialisation block by doing an Extract Function on the logic instead and leave the original dragons in place, e.g.

  result = new Message  
    Priority = message.Priority,  
    Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),  
    Body = message.Body,
    IntValue = GetIntHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”),
    // ... more of the same ...  
catch (Exception e)  
  Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);  

But we would never do that because the aim is to write code that helps stop people making these kinds of mistakes in the first place. If we want to be clever we should make it easier for the maintainers to fall into The Pit of Success.

Other Alternatives 

I said at the beginning that I was not a fan of mutability by default and therefore it would be remiss of me not to suggest that the entire Message type be made immutable and all properties set via the constructor instead:

result = new Message  
  priority: message.Priority,  
  type: GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),  
  body: message.Body,
  IntValue: GetIntHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”),
  // ... more of the same ...  

Yes, adding a new property is a little more work but, as always, writing the tests to make sure it all works correctly will dominate here.

I would also prefer to see use of an Optional<> type instead of a null reference for signalling “no message” but that’s a different discussion.


While this bug was merely “theoretical” at the time I discovered it [5] it quickly came back to bite. A bug fix I made on the sending side got deployed before the receiving end and so the misleading error popped up in the logs after all.

Although the system appeared to be functioning correctly it had slowed down noticeably which we quickly discovered was down to the receiving process continually restarting. What I hadn’t twigged just from reading this nugget of code was that due to the catch handler falling through and passing the message on it was being acknowledged on the queue twice –– once in that catch handler, and again after processing it. This second acknowledgment attempt generated a fatal error that caused the process to restart. Deploying the fixed receiver code as well sorted the issue out.

Ironically the impetus for my blog post “Black Hole - The Fail Fast Anti-Pattern” way back in 2012 was also triggered by two-phase construction problems that caused a process to go into a nasty failure mode, but that time it processed messages much too quickly and stayed alive failing them all.


[1] Generally speaking the setting of multiple properties implies it’s multi-phase construction. The more common term Two-Phase Construction comes (I presume) from explicit constructor methods names like Initialise() or Create() which take multiple arguments, like the constructor, rather than setting properties one-by-one.

[2] This is based on my copy of The C# Programming Language: The Annotated Edition.

[3] When the header was missing it was passing a null byte[] reference into a UTF8 decoder which caused it to throw an ArgumentNullException.

[4] Internally it created a logger on-the-fly so it wasn’t an obvious dependency that initially needed mocking.

[5] It’s old, so possibly it did bite in the past but nobody knew why or it magically fixed itself when both ends where upgraded close enough together.

Monday 4 March 2019

A Not So Minor Hardware Revision

[These events took place two decades ago, so consider it food for thought rather than a modern tale of misfortune. Naturally some details are hazy and possibly misremembered but the basic premise is still sound.]

Back in the late ‘90s I was working on a Travelling Salesman style problem (TSP) for a large oil company which had performance improvements as a key element. Essentially we were taking a new rewrite of their existing scheduling product and trying to solve some huge performance problems with it, such as taking many minutes to load, let alone perform any scheduling computations.

We had made a number of serious improvements, such as reducing the load time from minutes to mere seconds, and, given our successes so far, were tasked with continuing to implement the rest of the features that were needed to make it usable in practice. One feature was to import the set of orders from the various customer sites which were scheduled by the underlying TSP engine.

The Catalyst

The importing of orders required reading some reasonably large text files, parsing them (which was implemented using the classic Lex & YACC toolset) and pushing them into the database where upon the engine would find them and work out a schedule for their delivery.

Initially this importer was packaged as an ActiveX control, written in C and C++, and hosted inside the PowerBuilder (PB) based GUI. Working on the engine side (written entirely in C) we had created a number of native test harnesses (in C++/MFC) to avoid needing to use the PB front-end unless absolutely necessary due to its generally poor performance. Up until this point the importer appeared to work fine on our dev workstations, but when it was passed to the QA a performance problem started showing up.

The entire team (developers and tester) had all been given identical Compaq machines. Give that we needed to run Oracle locally as well as use it for development and testing we had a whopping 256 MB of RAM to play with along with a couple of cores. The workstations were running Windows NT 4.0 and we were using Visual C++ 2 to develop with. As far as we could see they looked and behaved identically too.

The Problem

The initial bug report from the QA was that after importing a fresh set of orders the scheduling engine run took orders of magnitude longer (no pun intended) to find a solution. However, after restarting the product the engine run took the normal amount of time. Hence the conclusion was that the importer ActiveX control, being in-process with the engine, was somehow causing the slowdown. (This was in the days before the low-fragmentation heap in Windows and heap fragmentation was known to be a problem for our kind of application.)

Weirdly though the developer of the importer could not reproduce this issue on their machine, or another developer’s machine that they tried, but it was pretty consistently reproducible on the QA’s machine. As a workaround the logic was hoisted into a separate command-line based tool instead which was then passed along to the QA to see if matters improved, but it didn’t. Restarting the product was the only way to get the engine to perform well after importing new orders and naturally this wasn’t a flyer with the client as this would happen in real-life throughout the day.

In the meantime I had started to read up on Windows heaps and found some info that allowed me to write some code which could help analyse the state of the heaps and see if fragmentation was likely to be an issue anyway, even with the importer running out-of-process now. This didn’t turn up anything useful at the time but the knowledge did come in handy some years later.

Tests on various other machines were now beginning to show that the problem was most likely with the QA’s machine or configuration rather than with the product itself. After checking some basic Windows settings it was posited that it might be a hardware problem, such as a faulty RAM chip. The Compaq machines we had been given weren’t cheap and weren’t using cheap RAM chips either; the POST was doing a memory check too, but it was worth checking out further. Despite swapping over the RAM (and possibly CPUs) with another machine the problem still persisted on the QA’s machine.

Whilst putting the machines back the way they were I somehow noticed that the motherboard revision was slightly different. We double-checked the version numbers and the QAs machine was one minor revision lower. We checked a few other machines we knew worked and lo-and-behold they were all on the newer revision too.

Fortunately, inside the case of one machine was the manual for the motherboard which gave a run down of the different revisions. According to the manual the slightly lower revision motherboard only supported caching of the first 64 MB RAM! Due to the way the application’s memory footprint changed during the order import and subsequent cache reloading it was entirely plausible that the new data could reside outside the cached region [1].

This was enough evidence to get the QA’s machine replaced and the problem never surfaced again.


Two decades of experience later and I find the way this issue was handled as rather peculiar by today’s standards.

Mostly I find the amount of time we devoted to identifying this problem as inappropriate. Granted, this problem was weird and one of the most enjoyable things about software development is dealing with “interesting” puzzles. I for one was no doubt guilty of wanting to solve the mystery at any cost. We should have been able to chalk the issue up to something environmental much sooner and been able to move on. Perhaps if a replacement machine had shown similar issues later it would be cause to investigate further [2].

I, along with most of the other devs, only had a handful of years of experience which probably meant we were young enough not to be bored by such issues, but also were likely too immature to escalate the problem and get a “grown-up” to make a more rational decision. While I suspect we had experienced some hardware failures in our time we hadn’t experienced enough weird ones (i.e. non-terminal) to suspect a hardware issue sooner.

Given the focus on performance and the fact that the project was acquired from a competing consultancy after they appeared to “drop the ball” I guess there were some political aspects that I would have been entirely unaware of. At the time I was solely interested in finding the cause [3] whereas now I might be far more aware of any ongoing “costs” in this kind of investigation and would no doubt have more clout to short-circuit it even if that means we never get to the bottom of it.

As more of the infrastructure we deal with moves into the cloud there is less need, or even ability, to deal with problems in this way. That’s great from a business point of view but I’m left wondering if that takes just a little bit more fun out of the job sometimes.


[1] This suggests to me that the OS was dishing out physical pages from a free-list where address ordering was somehow involved. I have no idea how realistic that is or was at the time.

[2] It’s entirely possible that I’ve forgotten some details here and maybe more than one machine was acting weirdly but we focused on the QA’s machine for some reason.

[3] I’m going to avoid using the term “root cause” because we know from How Complex Systems Fail that we still haven’t gotten to the bottom of it. For example, where does the responsibility for verifying the hardware was identical lie, etc.?

Friday 1 March 2019

Feature Branches and Package Dependencies

For most of my programming career I have worked directly on the main integration branch (aka trunk / master) for day-to-day development. Release branches have featured occasionally at various clients, mostly to compensate for bureaucracy, and I once had the misfortune to work with project-level branches (see “The Cost of Long-Lived Feature Branches”) which was a merge nightmare. More recently I got to work in a team that used much shorter lived feature branches [1] and I got a reminder of the kinds of problems even they cause.

When the branch is confined to a single repository and that repo is for the delivered product then the only people who are affected by the changes are those working on the branch. (We’re not talking about the Cost of Delay here for the customer, this is about intra-team delays.) However once we start making changes outside the main repository, such as our library repos (nay packages) things get more complicated.

Changing Packages

Although in theory we could create a similar branch in the library repo the point of integration between the two codebases (product and library) is usually at a binary level, i.e. the package repository. The package manager almost certainly doesn’t deal in branches per-se, only published versions of a package [2].

Where things get even more complicated is when you have a few packages that all make use of some 3rd party library, e.g. a message queuing product, and you discover you need to upgrade that as part of your feature work too. If you go via the normal channels you’ll end up upgrading the dependency in the packages, publish them, and then pull those upgraded packages into your feature branch and carry on where you left off [3].

Dependent Changes

However, anyone working on another feature branch or even the trunk can no longer make an orthogonal change to those packages because pulling them in would likely create an impedance mismatch, unless they also duplicate the integration work done on the feature branch or cherry pick it. Ideally that would be a trivial merge but the very nature of feature branches is to work in isolation and therefore changes tend to get intertwined because the focus is on the feature itself, not the integration steps in-between.

Essentially until the new package versions are fully integrated any changes to them will be delayed, which if you’ve already started work means a blocker goes up on the board. In this instance, being used to trunk based development, I didn’t want to wait so instead reverted the upgrade to the 3rd party library, published it (with my changes), and then integrated it into the main product directly on the trunk.

Unfortunately this creates an extra burden for those on the feature branch as they will need to re-upgrade the package again before integrating their changes back into the trunk. Such is the price for working in isolation.

Small is Beautiful

One of the benefits of working in an Agile way using trunk based development is that it teaches you to focus of really small, but nonetheless valuable changes. A user story may be split across a number of commits and so we have to think about the way we’ll deliver the changes. Feature toggles help us to hide our work in progress but, as just described, occasionally we may need to make a more sweeping change.

In these scenarios we should be able to push the feature work temporarily onto the “stack”, make the package changes, and then pop the feature work and carry on. With trunk based development the work is woven in just like any other, but when using a feature branch you need to switch back to the trunk, perform the upgrade, then merge trunk into the feature branch before carrying on.

I believe that if you are able to make this work smoothly using a feature branch then you are almost certainly capable of making the changes directly on the trunk in the first place. Planning doesn’t stop at the release and sprint level, we also need to plan how we evolve the codebase at story and task level too to minimise disruption to others whilst also making progress on our own work.


[1] They only lasted a few days and were trying to move away from that where possible.

[2] In theory this is where sematic versioning comes into play as the breaking change demands a new major version. My change would then have been made for both major versions. I say “in theory” because In my experience this is not an approach commonly taken by enterprise development teams for internal libraries – the path of least resistance usually wins.

[3] Alternatively you may be able to hide the library’s dependency, assuming it’s backwardly compatible, by binding to it directly such as via a static library or merging assemblies. However, as with [2], it’s not the usual approach.