Friday 6 July 2018

Treat All Test Environments Like Production

One of the policies I pushed for from the start when working on a greenfield system many years ago was the notion that we were going to treat all test environments (e.g. dev and UAT) like the production environment.

As you can probably imagine this was initially greeted with a heavy dose of scepticism. However all the complaints I could see against the idea were dysfunctional behaviours of the delivery process. All the little workarounds and hacks that were used to back-up their reasons for granting unfettered access to the environments seemed to be the result of poorly thought out design, inadequate localised testing or organisational problems. (See “Testing Drives the Need for Flexible Configuration” for how we addressed one of those concerns.)

To be clear, I am not suggesting that you should completely disable all access to the environment; on the contrary I believe that this is required even in production for those rare occasions when you just cannot piece together the problem from your monitoring and source code alone. No, what I was suggesting was that we employ the same speed bumps and privileges in our test environments that we would in production. And that went for the database too.

The underlying principle I was trying to enshrine here was that shared testing environments, by their very nature, should be treated with the utmost care to ensure a smooth delivery of change. In the past I have worked on systems where dev and test environments were a free-for-all. The result is that you waste so much time investigating issues that are orthogonal to your actual problem because someone messed with it for their own use and just left it in a broken state. (This is another example of the “Broken Windows” syndrome.)

A secondary point I was trying to make was that your test environments are also, by definition, your practice runs at getting things right. Many organisations have a lot of rigour around how they deploy to production but very little when it comes to the opportunities leading up to it. In essence your dev and test environments give you two chances to get things right before the final performance – if you’re not doing dress rehearsals beforehand how can you expect it to go right on the day? When production deployments go wrong we get fearful of them and then risk aversion kicks in meaning we do them less often and a downward spiral kicks in.

The outcome of this seemingly “draconian” approach to managing the development and test environments was that we also got to practice supporting the system in two other environments, and in a way that prepared us for what we needed to do when the fire was no longer just a drill. In particular we quickly learned what diagnostic tools we should already have on the box and, most importantly, what privileges we needed to perform certain actions. It also affected what custom tools we built and what extra features we added to the services and processes to allow safe use for analysis during support (e.g. a --ReadOnly switch).

The Principle of Least Privilege suggests that for our incident analysis we should only require read access to any resource, such as files, the database, OS logs, etc. If you know that you are protected from making accidental mistakes you can be more aggressive in your approach as you feel confident that the outcome of any mistake will not result in breaking the system any further [1][2]. Only at the point at which you need to make a change to the system configuration or data should the speed bumps kick in and you elevate yourself temporarily, make the change and immediately drop back to mere mortal status again.

The database was an area in particular where we had all been bitten before by support issues made worse through the execution of ad-hoc SQL passed around by email or pasted in off the wiki. Instead we added a new schema (i.e. namespace) specifically for admin and support stored procedures that were developed properly, i.e. they were written test-first. (See “You Write Your SQL Unit Tests in SQL” for more on how and why we did it this way.) This meant applying certain kinds of workarounds were easier to administer because they were essentially part of the production codebase, not just some afterthought that nobody maintained.

On the design front this also started to have an interesting effect as we found ourselves wanting to leverage our production service code in new ways to ensure that we avoided violating invariants by hosting the underlying service components inside new containers, i.e. command line tools or making them scriptable. (See “Building Systems as Toolkits”.)

The Interface Segregation Principle is your friend here as it pushes you towards having separate interfaces for reading and writing making it clearer which components you can direct towards a production service if you’re trying to reproduce an issue locally. For example our calculation engine support tool allowed you to point any “readers” towards real service endpoints whilst redirecting the the writers to /dev/null (i.e. using the Null Object pattern) or to some simple in-memory implementation (think Dictionary) to pass data from one internal task to the next.

I find it somewhat annoying that we went to a lot of effort to give ourselves the best chance of designing and building a supportable system that also provided traceability only for the infrastructure team to disallow our request for personal per-environment support accounts, saying instead that we needed to share a single one! Even getting them to give us a separate account for dev, UAT and production was hard work. It sometimes feel like the people who complain most about a lack of transparency and rigour are the same ones that deny you access to exactly that.

I know there were times when it felt as though we could drop our guard in dev or UAT “just this once” but I don’t remember us ever doing that. Instead we always used it as an opportunity to learn more about what the real need was and how it could become a bona fide feature rather than just a hack.


[1] That’s not entirely true. A BA once concocted a SQL query during support that ended up “bug checking” SQL Server and brought the entire system to a grinding halt. They then did it again by accident after it was restarted :o).

[2] A second example was where someone left the Sysinternals DebugView tool running overnight on a server whereupon it filled up the log window and locked up a service due to the way OutputDebugString works under the covers.

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