Friday 13 October 2017

The User-Agent is not Just for Browsers

One of the trickiest problems when you’re building a web service is knowing who your clients are. I don’t mean your customers, that’s a much harder problem, no, I literally mean you don’t know what client software is talking to you.

Although it shouldn’t really matter who your consumers are from a technical perspective, once your service starts to field requests and you’re working out what and how to monitor it, knowing this becomes far more useful.

Proactive Monitoring

For example the last API I worked on we were generating 404’s for a regular stream of requests because the consumer had a bug in their URL formatting and erroneously appended an extra space for one of the segments. We could see this at our end but didn’t know who to tell. We had to spam our “API Consumers” Slack channel in the hope the right person would notice [1].

We also had consumers sending us the wrong kind of authorisation token, which again we could see but didn’t know which team to contact. Although having a Slack channel for the API helped, we found that people only paid attention to it when they noticed a problem. It also appeared, from our end, that devs would prefer to fumble around rather than pair with us on getting their client end working quickly and reliably.

Client Detection

Absent any other information a cloud hosted service pretty much only has the client IP to go on. If you’re behind a load balancer then you’re looking at the X-Forwarded-For header instead which might give you a clue. Of course if many of your consumers are also services running in the cloud or behind the on-premise firewall they all look pretty much the same.

Hence as part of our API documentation we strongly encouraged consumers to supply a User-Agent field with their service name, purpose, and version, e.g. MyMobileApp:Test/1.0.56. This meant that we would now have a better chance of talking to the right people when we spotted them doing something odd.

From a monitoring perspective we can then use the User-Agent in various ways to slice-and-dice our traffic. For example we can now successfully attribute load to various consumers. We can also filter out certain behaviours from triggering alerts when we know, for example, that it’s their contract tests passing bad data on purpose.

By providing us with a version number we can also see when they release a new version and help them ensure they’ve deprecated old versions. Whilst you would expect service owners to know exactly what they’ve got running where, you’d be surprised how many don’t know they have old instances lying around. It also helps identify who the laggards are that are holding up removal of your legacy features.


A somewhat related idea is the use of “trace” or “correlation” IDs, which is something I’ve covered before in “Causality - A Mechanism for Relating Distributed Diagnostic Contexts”. These are unique IDs for diagnosing problems with requests and it’s useful to include a prefix for the originating system. However that system may not be your actual client if there are various other services between you and them. Hence the causality ID covers the end-to-end where the User-Agent can cover the local client-server hop.

You would think that the benefit of passing it was fairly clear – it allows providers to proactively help consumers fix their problems. And yet like so many non-functional requirements it sits lower down their backlog because it’s only optional [2]. Not only that but by masking themselves it actually hampers delivery of new features because you’re working harder than necessary to keep the existing lights on.


[1] Ironically the requests were for some automated tests which they didn’t realise were failing!

[2] We wanted to make the User-Agent header mandatory on all non-production environments [3] to try and convince our consumers of the benefits but it didn’t sit well with the upper echelons.

[3] The idea being that its use in production then becomes automatic but does not exclude easy use of diagnostic tools like CURL for production issues.

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