Thursday, 21 July 2016

Developers Can Be Their Own Worst Enemy

Generally speaking I reckon we programmers are an optimistic bunch. By-and-large we also want to do a good job and take great delight in seeing our work unleashed on our intended audience. I also believe we do our best to understand the constraints of the business and work within them when delivering our solution. Like any normal person we also want to be acknowledged and respected. But we also like to tinker.

A New Age of Transparency

In past times, when the mentality was more Waterfall-esque, it was much harder to get late ideas in, and so the consequence was that developers might shoehorn one feature in on the back of another. This saved on paperwork and also gave us a warm fuzzy feeling that we were in control of the product’s destiny.

But it’s no longer like that, at least it’s been a long time since I’ve worked in anywhere near such a rigid framework. The modern development cycle means that the next sprint planning meeting is only a week or two away. The product owner, who should now feel that they have a good idea what is going on day-to-day, is far more amenable to localised plan adjustments [1] so the notion of widening the scope slightly or even squeezing another story in earlier is only a conversation away. Even if it doesn’t get the go-ahead immediately there’s a backlog that anyone can add features to and all the stakeholders (which includes the development team) can provide input to determine the ordering.

Maybe though that’s just not enough for some people. There are developers that still feel the need to act on highly speculative requirements. They are so very sure that we are going to need to do “X” that they will start coding the feature up straight away. After all, they have the engine open on the workbench so it’s got to be more efficient this way, right?

At Number 5 in his “11 Agile Myths and 2 TruthsAllan Kelly has:

Developers get to do what they like

The truth hurts, and much as I wish it wasn’t this way, Allan Kelly is right, we cannot always be trusted. The years have taken their toll and until we can show that we are able to be grown-ups we must accept that we still need to hold somebody’s hand all the way down to the sweet shop.

Continuous Learning

After 20 years writing software professionally you would probably have hoped that I would know what I’m doing. Perhaps if I took a different path than the Journeyman route I could easily delude myself that I now know the one true way and therefore I will know how every solution is going to end up. As such, even though I might not know the exact problem domain surely I must know all the other stuff like architecture, design, testing, debugging, logging, monitoring, documenting, etc.?

This line of reasoning is probably what gets us into hot water. In the back of our mind we believe that because we’ve needed X before that we should have X again. Not only that, but we should also do it the same way we did X last time. And why shouldn’t we, after all isn’t that what they’re paying us for – our experience?

While this might be true, they are also probably paying for us to not reinvent the wheel and to make efficiency gains by adopting modern tooling and practices. Our experience of knowing how to solve problems and where to look for help is probably more valuable than the specific solution knowledge we have. For example the very brief time I spent writing Eiffel 20 years ago has never been of direct use, but the knowledge of Design by Contract has been generally useful. Less than a decade ago I was still writing manual “for” loops and now its hardly ever. If such a basic programming construct can change why wouldn’t I assume everything else will too, eventually?

Do or Do Not

To be clear this is not about being given the solution on a plate and simply following it, definitely not. As technologists the solution domain is our space to shape and mould as we see fit. We are masters of that domain, but everything we do in it must ultimately be to serve the greater good of the business. We have plenty of room to make our mark without trying to play the hero or getting “one up” on those “technically illiterate business people”.

It’s also not about stifling innovation either. Good ideas need to come from all areas of the organisation, not just the business side. In fact having an appreciation of the technical constraints probably means we’ll filter out some of the more challenging ideas before presenting them on the grounds that we suspect they’ll never fly. This is equally undesirable because we don’t want to miss opportunities either.

No, what I’m talking about here is the half-baked features that you comes across when trying to implement another change. Sometimes it’s just a stub or bit of logic left as a placeholder for an as yet unimplemented feature. Or maybe it’s some behaviour that the author thought might be useful but didn’t rip out again. And guess what, there are no tests and the story it’s checked in against is for something else. Now you’re into software archaeology mode trying to work out how this relates to what you thought the code should be doing. There aren’t many developers I know who have the confidence to just rip stuff like this out, so it often lives for far longer than you’d hope.

The reason is that all these little bits of speculative features are just waste. For a start while you had gone off-piste the feature that should be being delivered is now delayed which means it’s costing money (i.e. it’s inventory) not generating income. When it interferes with the delivery of any other feature by becoming a distraction it once again causes delay. If someone keeps having to ask or work out why something lying around exists the cost will slowly mount up.

Have Faith in the Process

You’re probably thinking that I’m being somewhat overly melodramatic and in a way I am. However “death by a thousand cuts” starts with only one cut and continues growing. By not keeping it under control (or better yet removing it) the problem remains unchecked. When you’ve worked on a clean codebase where you don’t keep having to second guess what the code says and does you can get into a rhythm that allows new changes to be delivered really quickly. XP talks about having courage and a codebase with no superfluous crap goes towards giving you that courage.

Our best work happens when we get to practice software engineering. Whilst it’s our job to trade-off time and space so that we provide the best solution we can whilst keeping costs down, we should do so with the combined efforts of those we work with, both on the technical and business sides. It’s often hard to associate a monetary value with what we do, but doing that really helps you start thinking about your everyday actions in terms of the “cost of delay”.

So, the next time you’re tempted to just squeeze a little something else in, ask yourself whether the team would be better served by first finishing what’s already on your plate. If you really think it can’t wait then quickly canvas the opinion of a few stakeholders and/or the product owner to see whether it fits in with the current plan.

Better yet start pair programming. One of the best ways I’ve found to stay focused on the task at hand is by having someone else working with you. Whilst it’s entirely possible that the pair could wander off on a tangent I’ve found it extremely rare in practice. What normally happens is that one side begins to feel uncomfortable about the changing direction and a rapid exchange occurs to decide if this is really where they both want to go or whether it should wait for another day. It’s much easier to remain honest (if that’s what you need) when you have somebody else sat right next to you whose time you also have to account for.


[1] This is what your daily stand-up is for – reprioritisation.

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