Tuesday 15 October 2013

Concrete Interfaces

Back at the end of last year I wrote a blog post titled “Interfaces Are Not the Only Abstract Fruit”. At the time I was bemoaning the use of interfaces that mirror the public interface of classes that implement them, and in particular where those types were value types. More recently I’ve seen an alternate side to this where a concrete class has had an interface extracted from it, albeit again one which just mirrors the existing public interface of the class. The reason it seems is that the concrete class must now become a seam for unit testing…

I’ve written before in “Don’t Let Your Tools Pwn You” about the dangers of letting your tools dictate the code you produce. In this case, whilst the human is seemingly in control, the ease with which it’s possible to perform this refactoring without seeing it through to its logical conclusion is all too easy. So what is that logical conclusion I’m alluding to?

Implementation != Abstraction

Let’s start with the simpler case. Say you have a proxy for a remote service, that might be implemented in a concrete class like this:-

public class RemoteProductServiceProxy
  public Product[] FetchProducts(string startDate,
                                 string endDate)
  { . . . }

The refactoring tool, which only knows about the concrete class and not what it represents will probably lead you into creating an interface like this, i.e. stick an I on the front of the class name and expose all the public methods:-

public interface IRemoteProductServiceProxy
  public Product[] FetchProducts(string startDate,
                                 string endDate);

But an IRemoteProductServiceProxy is not an abstraction it is the implementation. From the name I’m going to guess that the thing your client really wants to interact with is a service for querying about products. The fact that it’s hosted in or out of process is almost certainly of little consequence for the the client [1].

Secondly the types of the parameters for the FetchProducts() method are also leaky, in the abstraction sense, if you’re pushing the burden onto the client for marshalling any input parameters, e.g. if it’s a web API call where the parameters will ultimately be passed as string values. The interface should traffic in the domain types of the abstraction, not the implementation, after all if you do host the service in-process you’d be marshalling the parameters unnecessarily.

With that all said, I’d be looking at something more like this [2]:-

public interface IProductService
  public Product[] FetchProducts(Date start,
                                 Date end);

Hopefully it should be obvious now why I called the original refactoring a “Concrete Interface”. I did canvas Twitter a few weeks back to see if there was another more formal (or at least polite!) term for this anti-pattern, but it didn’t come to anything. Perhaps the comments to this post will shed some light?

Mock the Abstraction, Not the Technology

There is another variation of this story where, instead of creating an interface for the service, which then allows the client to be entirely isolated from the implementation, the underlying technology is abstracted instead. The premise seems to be that to get a piece of code under test you mock out “the external dependencies”. In this instance the dependency would be the various classes that allow an HTTP request to be made.

However, before creating interfaces and factories that allow you to mock a technology at a low-level, ask yourself what this will actually buy you. Personally I see very little value in sensing all the miniscule interactions between your code and a 3rd party library because all the complexity is in their library, so it often ends up being like tests for getters and setters. For example, mocking all the database classes just to sense that you’ve put the right value in the right parameter seems less valuable to me than actually making a database call that tests the integration between the two (See “C#/SQL Integration Testing With NUnit”).

The reason why the underlying 3rd party technology is often complicated is exactly because it does many different things. For instance a web based API has to consider proxies, authentication, content of different types, different protocols, etc. But I bet you are probably only using a very small part of it. This is especially true in the enterprise arena where you have considerable control over the infrastructure.

Assuming I still want to write unit tests for some aspects of this code, e.g. verifying the URL format for a web API call, I’ll try and create some kind of simple facade that wraps up all that complexity so I’m dealing with an interface tailored to my needs:-

public interface IHttpRequester
  string RequestData(string url);

Oftentimes much of the grunge with dealing with technology like this is not in the actual execution of the task-in-hand, but in the dance required to create and configure all the various objects that are needed to make it happen. For me that complexity is best handled once elsewhere and tested through separate integration tests.

The Smell

So, if you find yourself creating an interface which matches a single concrete class in both name and public methods ask yourself if there is not really a more formal abstraction trying to get out.


[1] Yes, the network is evil, but the interface will likely take that into account by not being too chatty. If some sort of error recovery is possible even in the absence of the service then that might also be the case too, but these are generally the exception in my experience.

[2] I still don’t like the “I” prefix or the “weak” Service suffix, but it’s a common convention. I really like “Requester”, “Locator” or “Finder” for query based services as that sits nicely with the suggestions I made in “Standard Method Name Verb Semantics”.

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