Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Always Reply Within Your SLA – Succeed or Abort

Way back in 2012 I wrote the blog post “Service Providers Are Interested In Your Timeouts Too” about how you can help service teams understand your intentions so that they can handle requests more efficiently. That was written at a time when I had been working for many years on internal systems where there were no real SLAs per-se, often just a “best efforts” approach with manual intervention required to “unblock” the system when the failures start occurring [1]. In contrast I have always strived to create self-healing systems as much as possible so that only truly remarkable events require any kind of human remediation.

In more recent years I’ve spent far more time working on web services where there is a much stronger notion of an SLA and therefore a much higher probability that if you fail to meet your SLA then the client will attempt to perform some kind of recovery rather than hang around and wait for the reply [2]. Hence what I wrote about wasting resources on dead requests in that earlier blog post have started to become more significant.


A consequence of this ideology is that I’ve started to become far more interested in the approach of always responding within the SLA even if that means aborting mid-request. Often an SLA is seen as an aspiration rather than any kind of hard deadline, something which we hope to achieve more often than not, where “more often” usually involves quoting some (arbitrary) number of “nines”. For those requests that fall outside this magical number all bets are off and you might get an answer in a useful timeframe or you might not. This kind of uncertainty has always bothered me as a client consumer.

Hence, I’ve started moving towards building services that always provide a reply within the SLA whether or not the request has been satisfied. Instead of tying up valuable resources in the hope that when the answer finally arrives the client still has a vested interest in it, I’d prefer to just abandon the request and let the client know the SLA would be violated if it had continued servicing it. In essence the request times-out server-side, where the time-out is the SLA.

What this means for the client is that they have a definitive reply (network issues notwithstanding) to their request within the time limit allowed. More importantly if they want to allow more time to handle the request than the SLA allows for then they need to tell the service that they’re willing to wait. Essentially this creates a priority system and allows the service to decide what to do with requests that are happy to hang around for a bit longer.


Implementation-wise what this mostly boils down to is ensuring that every non-trivial piece of work (think: database query, network call, disk read, etc.) must be made with a bounded call time, i.e. one where a timeout can be provided so that the caller always regains control in a timely fashion. Similarly we don’t start any work that we suspect we can’t finish in time either. This generally manifests as aborting on the first timeout which is usually given the entire SLA and therefore you’re never going to recover in time.

Internally the maximum timeout starts with the SLA and as each background query is sent it is timed and the timeout gets progressively shorter [3]. As the load increases and internal queries take longer the chances of a request aborting rises but at least the load on the upstream systems doesn’t keep rising too. Ultimately it’s just a classic negative feedback loop.


Unfortunately what makes implementing this somewhat less than idea is that we still don’t really have cancellable requests in many frameworks and you’re never entirely sure what happens when the timeout triggers. If the underlying operation is abandoned, but has to complete anyway because it can’t be cancelled, you may not be much better off. The modern async-enhanced programming world is great for avoiding tying up threads in the happy path but once you start considering the failure modes it’s much harder to reason about and, more importantly, control what’s going to happen. Despite the fact that under the covers the world of I/O has practically always been asynchronous the higher layers still assume a synchronous model with syntactic sugar only helping to reinforce that perspective.

So far I don’t have nearly enough production-level data points to know if it’s an idea that is truly worth the effort to implement or not. Being able to reject work outright because you’ve already missed the SLA isn’t too onerous but does mean you need to tap into the processing pipeline early before the request is queued in the background to know when the internal clock has started ticking. What’s harder to determine is whether you really get any benefit out of the additional complexity needed to track your request’s progress and if aborting upstream requests creates a more or equally unstable service due to the way the timeouts leave their underlying requests dangling.

I still think it’s an approach worth pursuing but I wouldn’t be surprised to find The Morning Paper covering something from decades ago that shows it’s just a fools errand :o).


[1] See “Support-Friendly Tooling” for some other examples about how this can play out if reliability out-of-the-box is “assumed”.

[2] In one instance that would mean abandoning the request and potentially taking on some small financial risk on behalf of the customer.

[3] Naturally for parallel / scatter-gather I/O it’s the time of the longest concurrent request.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Technical Debt – Conscious Competence

Once upon a time the term Technical Debt seemed to have a very clear meaning but over the last few years that has been diluted to generally mean any crap code or process which is holding back delivery. I’m sure any scholars of Wittgenstein will be at pains to point out that “meaning is use” and therefore if everyone uses it this way who am I to argue?

For me the canonical source of information on the technical debt metaphor comes from the wiki of the person who coined the phrase in the first place – Ward Cunningham. The entry on Technical Debt there suggests to me that the choice to enter into debt is a wholly conscious one, not the unconscious acts of a less professional bunch of programmers.

By way of example I thought I’d take the opportunity to write up one of those occasions where I’ve been involved with taking debt on (in the original spirit of the term) and how we dealt with it, to show where the distinction lies.

The Bug

Soon after going live with v1.0 of a new calculation system in a large financial organisation we discovered that a number of key counterparties were missing from the daily report. The report generator was a late addition and there were various other issues around it’s development and testing which muddied the waters somewhat but suffice to say that this wasn’t delivered as cleanly as the core system was. (You might consider the more recent meaning of the term to apply here.)

More importantly what transpired was that due to various mergers in the company’s history a few counterparties had the same “unique” code in different back-end systems. This wasn’t just news to my team (we were all recent hires) but also to quite a few people in the business too. Due to only dealing with a limited set of “books” the codes were always unique to them in their context, but our new system cut right across them all.

The Root Cause

The generation of calculations was ultimately based around a Cartesian product of two counterparties, however given that most of those were pointless there was an optimisation which used another source of data to reduce that by more than an order of magnitude.

This optimisation should have been fairly simple but due to a need to initially use some existing manually managed counterparty data to ease the cutover (so regression testing should then reconcile exactly) it was somewhat more complicated than first envisaged.

Our system was designed to use the correct source of data eventually, but do a reverse lookup for the time being. It might sound simple but the lookup actually involved multiple lookups using combinations of keys that had to make assumptions about which legacy back-end system might hold the related data. The right person who could explain how we could do what we needed to do correctly also seemed elusive; there were many people with “heuristics”, but nobody who knew for sure.

In total there were ~100 counterparties out of a total of ~15,000 permutations that suffered from this problem. Unfortunately a handful of those 100 had a significant effect on the “bottom line” and therefore the usefulness of the system as a whole was in doubt at that point.

Entering Into Debt

Naturally once we unearthed this clanger we had to decide how to tackle it. After getting our heads around what this all meant and roughly where in the code the missing logic probably needed to go we had to make a decision – do we try and fix the underlying issue right away or try and put a workaround in place (assuming that’s even possible) to mitigate the problem, at least temporarily.

We were all very aware of going down the dark road of putting a tactical fix in place because we’d all seen where that can lead. We had made a concerted effort over the 12 months required to build the system to refactor relentlessly [1] and squash any bugs as soon as possible. This felt like a backwards step.

On the positive side by adopting a Design for Testability approach in most parts of the code we had extra switches on our processes [2] that allowed us to make per-counterparty requests, usually for diagnostic purposes. Hence the workaround took the form of sticking the list of missing counterparties in a simple text file, then using a command prompt FOR loop [3] to read the file and invoke the tool in “single counterparty mode”. Yes it was a little slow due the constant restarting of the process but it was easy to surgically insert into the workflow with the minimum of testing or risk.

Paying Back the Debt

With the hole plugged for now, and an easy mechanism in place for adding any other missing counterparties – update the text file – we were in a position to sort out the root problem without feeling under pressure to get the system working correctly 100%, ASAP.

As you can probably imagine the real solution wasn’t easy, not least because it was one of a few areas of SQL code that didn’t have any unit tests and was a tangled web of tables and views which had grown organically in an attempt to graft the old and the new worlds together [4].

What Did it Cost?

If we assume that the gung-ho approach would have been to just jump in and start fixing the real code, then what did we lose by not doing that? It’s possible that the final fix was simple and a little more investigation may have lead to that solution instead.

In contrast, the risk is that we end up in one of those “have we fixed it or not” scenarios where we spend an indeterminate amount of time being “real close” to getting towards “done”. The old adage about the last 10% also taking 90% of the time springs immediately to mind. Instead we were almost positive we had a simple workaround that could be deployed and get the system running correctly enough in an estimable amount of time. I believe there is a lot of value in having that degree of confidence.

What I think was critical was being able to remove the pressure on finding the right solution as this gave us time to really consider what needed to be done. Any fix done under pressure is not going to be given the attention to detail that it probably deserves. You then run the risk of making the system worse and having an even deeper hole to dig yourself out of.

The customer does not care about strategic versus tactical decisions per-se, they just want the thing to work. We cared about the solution because we knew it would be a burden in the short term as everyone had to remember about the bit “grafted on the side”. The general trust the team had built up by keeping quality at the forefront meant that the business would be more willing to trust us to reconcile the problem appropriately when the time came.

Use Language With Care

I really hope the term Technical Debt doesn’t continue to get watered down even further as it’s a powerful concept which is incredibly useful in the right hands. We already have far too many words for “alternate implementation” that are pejoratives carrying an air of unprofessionalness about them. I would like this one to remain in the hands of the professionals so they can continue to have “grown up” conversations with their customers about when it’s appropriate to consider taking shortcuts for a short term business need without them rolling their eyes, yet again.


[1] See “Relentless Refactoring” for more thoughts around this (unfortunately) contentious topic.

[2] “From Test Harness To Support Tool”, “Building Systems as Toolkits” and “In The Toolbox - Home-Grown Tools” all look at the non-functional side of tooling.

[3] A batch file just wouldn’t be complete without a for loop, see “Every Solution Starts With ‘FOR /F’”.

[4] This one feature seemed destined to plague us forever, see “So Many Wrongs, But No Rights” for another tale of woe.